Tuesday, 9 February 2010

HFI pushes forward on Disaster Assessment Tool

Forum Groups Discussion Post Disaster Assessment Tool

Disasters can strike communities suddenly without warning. And when they do, they bring panic and disorder. Houses are destroyed, public facilities are damaged, people become refugees and live in emergency tents, local government ceases to function.
Meanwhile, economic activity also comes to a halt.

At such times, the volunteers from the affected area and from outside the region need to know what is happening, so they can take quick and appropriate action.

One of these quick actions is identifying the extent of damage: the number of houses destroyed, number of survivors, the emergency needs of survivor, etc.
Another action needed after a disaster is to ensure the continuation of education and teaching-learning process for students. This needs to happen as soon as possible - both the actual learning process and the more practical efforts to repair damaged school facilities.

To make this happen, we’re continuing with the Forum Group Discussions on the Post Disaster Assessment Tool for the Education Sector – a tool for gathering all the information relating to the school and the existing resources at the site of the disaster (outlined in our post of 25th January).

The fields of study of these assessment tools are: access to education services and school facilities, availability of teaching staff, community participation, education supporting facilities, coordination and policies.

The meeting took place in Jakarta, and involved participants from NGOs and government delegates. Following this discussion there’ll be a meeting to discuss the system and working mechanism for settlement in making this assessment tool.

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